Our Comber Museum is now closed for the season but we can easily open by appointment. Thank you to all our volunteers and especially our visitors and to all those who have made donations to our little Comber Museum. The Comber and District Historical Society is a registered Charity with the Canada Revenue Agency and will provide official income tax receipts ($20.00 or more) for all donations. We look forward to seeing you on Victoria Day Weekend - May 19th. 2025
May 19th 2025 - Thanksgiving Day Weekend
Thursday - Monday
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
The Comber & District Historical Society Museum, formally known as the Tilbury West Museum, is located
4 km south of Comber on Hwy 77. The building was the former Maple Grove Public School constructed in 1894
Please Help Support our Comber Museum by purchasing our new 2025 Annual Museum Membership at the cost of $15.00. All membership proceeds go to help maintain and operate our Comber Museum but more importantly, it shows that we have your support when applying for Municipal and Provincial grants.
The Tilbury West Centennial Museum was officially opened as a centennial project on Saturday September 30th 1967. Officials from the Department of Public Records and Archives headed the list of those taking part in the ribbon cutting ceremonies. Among those in attendance were Arthur Reaume M.P.P. (Liberal Essex North), Eugene Whelan M.P. (Liberal Essex South), and representatives of our local Municipal Government.
In 1998 the museum became the property of the Comber and District Historical Society which is is currently managed by a Museum Board comprised of local residents from the area. The present board consists of a President, Past President, Vice President, and a Secretary Treasurer along with 4 museum directors.
The Comber & District Historical Society MUSEUM is located approximately 4 km. south of Comber on Hwy 77 in what was formally known as S.S. #8 Maple Grove Public School. Proudly displayed in the Museum are artifacts from our region's past. Stan Ford, the first curator collected everything from magneto telephones to farm machinery, along with many more articles that have been collected over the years. There are many pictures on display and sections within the museum for household articles, agriculture, medical, school military, carpentry and local government to name just a few of the displays.
Located on the same parcel of land as the Museum, is a Memorial Forest, where trees have been, and will be purchased and planted by families and friends of loved ones who have passed away.
To Preserve the historical heritage of the area by:
a) Maintaining and preservice the Comber and District Historical Museum and Memorial Forest.
b) Conducting and promoting educational and historical research with a view to making any historical findings available for the benefit of the public.
c) Providing educational programs to increase the public awareness of the Comber and District Historical Museum
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and fund our mission. You can e-transfer your donation along with your name and address
Please Help Support our Comber Museum by purchasing our new 2025 Annual Museum Membership at the cost of $15.00. All membership proceeds go to help maintain and operate our Comber Museum but more importantly, IT SHOWS THAT WE HAVE YOUR SUPPORT when we are applying for Municipal and Provincial grants that we so depend on to keep our doors open.
You can e-transfer $15.00 along with your name and address
to: comberhistory@gmail.com and will mail back your membership to you... OR Your can provide your name, and address, along with a cheque for $15.00 to:
Comber & District Historical Society
PO Box 404
Comber ON N0P 1J0
We would love to see you, so feel free to visit us during our normal hours for a personal tour.
May 24th - Thanksgiving Day
Thursday - Monday
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
10405 Hwy 77, Comber, ON N0P 1J0, ca
Mark McKinlay (519) 687-3400
Grades one and two from Comber Centennial School